3 min read
3 Trendline Strategies
Trendlines can be great trading tools if used correctly and in this post, I am going to share three powerful trendline strategies with you.
4 min read
Rolf Feb 4, 2015 7:00:00 PM
Put in the hours. There is no such thing as something for nothing. Many trading websites will often offer to teach you trading, strategies, or even sell you a system. The thing is, ignoring their profit motives, they are giving you something they have developed themselves, which they have confidence in. NOT something that you, the trader who is going to trade his money, has confidence in, unless you have so much faith in the taught strategy or system that you can stomach ten consecutive losses and still have unshakable faith in the strategy/system.
When the consecutive losses start mounting, the trader’s confidence will start to waver and he or she will start to wonder whether the system really works as what their trading coach/mentor taught. What is taught is never as powerful as what we learn. Something taught can be forgotten. Something learnt through an extensive study by a person will be internalized and offers a solid foundation to begin your trading on.
Trading can even be analogous to learning to ride a bicycle. You practice and practice until you can pick up the trading from anywhere in whatever mood. You are able to recognize your entry signals with a cursory glance at any chart. Once you have enough screen time, you naturally will come to know what you are looking for. Before mastering your strategy and its various metrics, do not put any real money on the line at all.
It gives you two very, very important foundations on which to build your trading journey on.
Once you have developed your own trading strategy, you are now in a much better mental state from which to trade, because now you can see the various metrics of your system, and also perhaps because you start to understand why and how the system works as it does.
And these will shore up your confidence during periods of losses, instead of abandoning the system and switching to another strategy taught by another trading website or guru.
One thing you must understand about trading systems is that once you have properly developed a system, you are no longer a gut feel trader. You actually take yourself out of the trade and you become an implementer of the system that you have developed.
Any trade can be a win or a loss. It doesn’t really matter within the framework of the system. Your participation is simply to control your risk through a stop loss and take profit when the system dictates that you do. You no longer wonder whether to hold onto a trade longer or to move your stop loss to breakeven. Your study of the system has already dictated what you have to do at each and every step of any trade. What matters is that the system generates a net gain in the long term. Your job is now to make sure you implement the parameters of the system concisely.
You have to put in the hard work and hours to develop your own trading strategy and system. When you do that, you start to internalize your trading methods and systems. What you gain will be invaluable in your trading career. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” You cannot expect different results from doing the same thing over and over again. That applies to both winning and losing traders. The losers will continue to lose if they do whatever they have been doing to lose. The winners will continue to win as they continue to do whatever it is that enables them to win. Do you have a trading system in place? If not, it is probably high time to start on one.
Even for long term investors, you would probably do well to look back on the charts and learn something about how your instruments of choice for long term investments has performed over the past few decades and taking some heed from there as to your entry and exits.
Finally I would like to thank Tradeciety’s Rolf for allowing me to contribute this guest article. And I do hope to write more for you guys whenever I have the time.
3 min read
Trendlines can be great trading tools if used correctly and in this post, I am going to share three powerful trendline strategies with you.
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